Blalock Walters Pledges 1000 Pounds of Food

Blalock Walters Pledges 1000 Pounds of Food

Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee has initiated the Grand Challenge Food Drive which will run for the next few weeks.  Blalock Walters has signed up to attempt to raise 1000 pounds of food during the challenge.  There is great demand in our community for the Food Bank.  The Food Bank of Manatee provides the food to make delivered meals to the needy, home-bound members of our community.  Unfortunately, with the high demand, the call for food is great with the Food Bank receiving 120 calls a month for new clients.  Please consider buying an extra can or 2, or 3….when you go grocery shopping or see if there is anything in your pantry, and bring it to Blalock Walters at 802 11th Street West in Bradenton.

Thank you so much for your generosity as we “try to make a difference” in our community.

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