Will Your Heirs Fight Over Your Castle?

Do you intend to leave a piece of property to your children or family members after you pass? Or, maybe you are an heir who has inherited a piece of property. In either case, that’s great news! Who wouldn’t want to receive a beloved childhood home, a vacation house or...

Avoid the Pitfalls When Buying Real Estate Online

To understand and minimize your risk, you should be well informed prior to the time of purchase. Speak with experienced counsel before the online auction. It is not news to many Floridians that the latest hot real estate market has been soaring for a while. We are...

Blalock Walters Hires Three Attorneys

            PRESS RELEASE: SARASOTA-BRADENTON, FL, October 13, 2021 ––The law firm of Blalock Walters, P.A. hires attorneys Taylor Falkner, Jon Tortorici and Samantha Regala to join the firm’s land use, local government, litigation and...
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