Tax Certificates and Tax Deeds: Real Estate Roulette

Floridian property owners can count on a real estate tax bill, every year in November, and most dutifully pay those bills.  Even more responsible property owners may pay before December 1, to take advantage of a four percent discount afforded to those who pay far in...

What is Due Diligence in Commercial Real Estate?

  WHAT IS “DUE DILIGENCE”? The purpose of a due diligence investigation is to enable the buyer to discover as much as possible about the property before he or she is obligated to buy it.  This includes discovering information that the seller may not want the...

City of Anna Maria Adopts Deadline for Harris Act Claims

The City of Anna Maria adopted a comprehensive Vacation Rental Ordinance (“VRO”) in April of 2015.  This VRO was challenged in court, and was subsequently amended a number of times by the City prior to the final version being adopted on November 19, 2015.  Amongst...

Homestead Exemption: What You Should Know

As we near the end of the year, now is the time for purchasers of new residences to consider the Florida homestead exemption and the many benefits it offers. To be entitled to receive a homestead exemption in 2017, you must be the owner of record of your property and...
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