Jan 12, 2010 | Real Estate Law
Obtaining title insurance and having a competent title agent complete an accurate title search is a vital component to any due diligence checklist for the acquisition or financing of real property. Such insurance protects a buyer against financial loss from title...
Sep 12, 2009 | Banking Law, Real Estate Law
Recently, Governor Crist approved Florida Senate Bill 2430 which amended Florida Statute 201.02 effective July 1, 2009. This newly enacted bill has drastically altered the documentary stamp tax provision of Florida Statute 201.02 by providing that effective July 1,...
Aug 5, 2009 | Real Estate Law
On January 29, 2008, voters approved Amendment 1 and its increased Homestead benefits in an attempt to alleviate the property tax burden plaguing our State. Those with homesteaded properties will gladly welcome the increased exemption when their property tax bill...
Jan 12, 2009 | Real Estate Law
First Quarter, 2009 The basic definition of a short sale is the sale of real estate in which the proceeds from the sale fall short of the balance owed on the property sold. Lenders will agree to take discounted payoffs for outstanding loan balances, sometimes (but not...
Nov 3, 2008 | Real Estate Law
Now that very few things seem safe, it is a good time to think about the safety of your real estate. Real estate can be an individual’s most valuable asset, but it can also be one of the most fought after assets in recovery suits. Here are some things to consider:...
Aug 5, 2007 | Real Estate Law
With the current real estate market in a state of flux, many buyers and sellers are looking for new alternatives in lieu of the conventional sale. One such alternative, the lease option, is a creative tool that benefits both buyers and sellers. A lease option is a...