Due to Hurricane Milton, Blalock Walters offices will be closed Tuesday, October 8th – Friday, October 11th.

Blalock Walters’ attorneys Clifford L. Walters and Mark P. Barnebey addressed the members of the Manatee County Bar Association on Wednesday, May 29 about the one-half cent sales tax initiative and the economic incentive plan votes that are on the ballot this month. Manatee County voters will decide two issues on the June 18 referendum: The half-cent sales tax increase is being considered to provide for the continued funding of indigent health care, and the the Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption would provide incentives for business and job growth in Manatee County.

Mark P. Barnebey

Mark P. Barnebey, Board Certified Attorney in City, County & Local Government Law, The Florida Bar

Clifford Walters, III - Bradenton Attorney

Clifford L. Walters, Real Estate, Estate Planning & Business Attorney

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