Tick. Tock. “Time is of the Essence.”

Real estate contracts are filled with boilerplate provisions. Examples of boilerplate provisions in contracts include the prevailing party attorney fee language or the radon gas disclosure provision. Each of these boilerplate provisions contains important legal rights...

Florida Homestead Tax Exemption Primer and Reminder

As we move towards the close of 2011 and the start of 2012, it is always important to revisit the Florida Homestead Tax Exemption to make sure its benefit is not missed. As in 2011, the Florida Homestead Tax Exemption for 2012 will provide that property owners who...

Distressed Properties: A Seller’s Perspective

Although the economy and Florida’s real estate market show glimpses of recovery, distressed properties remain abundant. The Federal Government had hoped to curtail this real estate epidemic through numerous mortgage modification programs, however, their projected...
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