Anna Maria Adopts New Restrictions on Houses

Anna Maria Adopts New Restrictions on Houses

In January of this year, the City of Anna Maria attempted to place a ban on all vacation rentals in the City.  Blalock Walters represented more than 30 affected property owners, and was instrumental in the City’s decision to rescind this action. However, once the...

Real Estate and the “Fiscal Cliff”

With the passage of The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 on January 1, 2013, much of the focus, and for good reason, was directed at the tax rates and the budget sequestration associated with the “Fiscal Cliff”.  However, as we move forward in 2013, it is...

Tick. Tock. “Time is of the Essence.”

Real estate contracts are filled with boilerplate provisions. Examples of boilerplate provisions in contracts include the prevailing party attorney fee language or the radon gas disclosure provision. Each of these boilerplate provisions contains important legal rights...
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